Masuk Daftar

memberlakukan lagi bahasa Inggris

  • memberlakukan:    enforce; put into effect; clamp
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another;
  • lagi:    again; anew; anymore; else; more; yet; another; any more; in the act (of); in return; furthermore; ayein; as well; any longer; any; agyen; other; still; repeatedly; further; what is more; ayen; more
  • lagi-lagi:    time and again; more and more; again and again; over and over; increasingly; progressively; over and over again; time and time again
  • lagi dan lagi:    by and by; so and so
  • (awalan) lagi:    re
  • (sekali) lagi:    afresh
  • . apapun lagi:    any more
  • apa lagi:    what else
  • apatah lagi:    let alone
  • belum lagi:    not to mention; without mentioning; no less
  • berbicara lagi:    find tongue; finding tongue; found tongue
  • dan lagi:    not to mention
  • datang lagi:    came again; come-back again
  • dipanaskan lagi:    warmed-over